Project Value Range: $1 million – $2 million
Select Paint & Finishes was contracted by Turner Construction Co. to perform the interior and exterior painting scope to this 5-story (plus basement), 245,000 SF historic building that MIT Investment Management Company (MITIMCo) renovated and repositioned to meet the growing demand for biotech facilities in Cambridge, MA. 640 Memorial Drive is the conversion of a 1913 Model T Ford factory and includes a three-story glass-enclosed entrance lobby, research and development, offices, and light industrial/manufacturing space for biotechnology and high-technology tenants. Select Paint’s scope consisted of interior painting and installation of wallcovering in common spaces; exterior blasting and scraping of steel structure; application of intumescent paint on various columns, caulking and overcoating of entire structure; and painting of all exterior railings. The exterior steel that was painted was part of the original 1913 structure involving production of Ford’s Model T cars.